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AEST.2800 From Collective to Personal Aesthetics (Formerly 79.280)

Id: 038880 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


This course is an exploration in aesthetics and culture. The seminar examines a variety of works by contemporary artists and designers; and also introduces important texts by philosophers, art theorists, and critics. Throughout the semester, student will study current trends in visual studies. They will examine a range of works form popular culture to high art and respond to various readings through class discussions and papers. In addition, the course will facilitate intellectual engagement with ones own visual work. Through their research, student will explore the connections between their work and that of other artists and designers. They will situate their artwork within the field of criticism, creating a bridge across the traditional divide between theory and practice.


ENGL.1020 College Writing II, and Junior or Senior Status or Permission of Instructor.

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