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ARTS.2560 Drawing III (formerly 70.256)

Id: 006856 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


This advanced course in drawing is designed to help students develop the expressive and conceptual concerns of their drawing practice while developing their ability to work in an independent manner. Designed for students in al disciplines, the course will emphasize the development of strong research skills through the exploration of historical and contemporary modes of drawing. The class will be combination of studio work, presentations, and individual and group critiques. Critiques are designed to provide feedback and to encourage and nurture each students vision. Exploring a variety of drawing media, the ultimate goal of the course is the development of a visually coherent and conceptually inified body of work.


ARTS 1010 Art Concepts, ARTS 1020 Art Concepts II, ARTS 1130 Digital Foundations, ARTS 2010 Form & Content, ARTS 1550 Drawing I, and ARTS 1560 Drawing II, or Permission of Instructor.

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