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ARTS.2720 2D Animation I (formerly 70.272)

Id: 006867 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


This course will provide students with the fundamental understanding about the process and the concepts in animation for narrative and experimental expression. Preproduction including scripting and storyboarding will be especially emphasized. Hybrid techniques in both traditional and digital animations including hand-drawing, stop-motion, rotoscoping, pixilation as well as tweening will be introduced. Static and kinetic aesthetics of moving images will be explored through the review of historic and contemporary animations, and through the production. Students from this course will make a much smoother transition to 3D animation courses, Language of Video, Interactive media as well as Web Design/Art. The course will also introduce the student to historical and contemporary perspectives related to the discipline.


ARTS 1010, ARTS 1020, ARTS 1130, ARTS 2010, ARTS 1550, and ARTS 1560, or Instructor permission.

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