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ARTS.2960 Character and Layout Design (formerly 70.296)

Id: 039332 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


This course is designed for students to understand the fundamentals of character and layout design for Animation. Students will focus on rendering life forms in space. Emphasis will be placed on the anatomical structure of characters as well as practical and aesthetic elements of pre-production. Shot design, composition, staging, mood, texture and lighting for layout and background design will be covered in this course as well. Students will also learn the basics of using props a background and foreground design elements.


ARTS 1010 Art Concepts, ARTS 1020 Art Concepts II, ARTS 1130 Digital Foundations, ARTS 2010 Form & Content, ARTS 1550 Drawing I, and ARTS 1560 Drawing II, or Permission of Instructor.

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