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ARTS.3950 Advertising Design Studio (formerly 70.395)

Id: 006882 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


This course introduces the components and principles of advertising design. Students will learn to develop strategic approaches to creating compelling ad campaigns for print and cross platform related media as they gain an understanding of the synergy between art and copy. The course covers how to write effective creative briefs, create storyboards, use social media, make engaging presentations and work as part of a team. Projects include both product, service and social campaigns, a unique self-promo piece, and working with real clients. In addition, students will learn how to negotiate and communicate in the advertising field with respectful and empowering language.


ARTS 1010 Art Concepts, ARTS 1020 Art Concepts II, ARTS 1130 Digital Foundations, ARTS 2010 Form & Content, ARTS 1550 Drawing I, ARTS 1560 Drawing II, ARTS 2100 Graphic Design I and ARTS 3100 Graphic Design II.

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