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ARTS.3980 Documentary Image (formerly 70.398)

Id: 006884 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


In a world of increasing manipulation, documentary photographs still astound us with their visual truths. In this course, students will utilize words and images "the primary tools of the photojournalist " to explore the significant issues of our time. Works by Fenton, O'Sullivan, Gardner, Riis, Hine, Bourke-White, Lange, Smith, Davidson, Salgado, Mark and others are studied for content, style, and inspiration. Fall, alternate years.


ARTS 1010 Art Concepts, ARTS 1020 Art Concepts II, ARTS 1130 Digital Foundations, ARTS 2010 Form & Content, ARTS 1550 Drawing I, ARTS 1560 Drawing II, ARTS 2610 Photography I, and ARTS 3610 Photography II.

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