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BIOL.1220 Biology for Scientists (Formerly 81.122)

Id: 038070 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


Develops a basic understanding of biological topics relevant to students in the health sciences. Course will introduce students to biochemistry, cell biology, cellular respiration, cell replication, genetics, inheritance and molecular biology. Introduction to prions, viruses, prokaryotic and eukaryotic biology will also be covered.


Co-req: BIOL.1240 Biol for Health Sci Lab, and Exer Physiology Majors Only or Exer Sci Majors; Anti-Req: BIOL.1110 and BIOL.2100 and LIFE.1000 and LIFE.1010.BIOL.1240 Co-req & EP Majors. Please Note: Academic petition is required for anti-req exceptions.

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