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CIVE.5150 Cementitious Materials for Sustainable Concrete

Id: 041275 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


This course is designed for introducing advanced topics in cement hydration chemistry, materials characterization and concrete sustainability. Advanced topics in chemistry of commonly used cementitious materials, micro-structure, mechanical properties, durability ad sustainability will be offered. Students will learn and practice to characterize and analyze the roles of chemical admixtures and supplementary cementitious materials in concrete property improvement. Chemical issues involved in the engineering behavior of concrete will be offered. A service-learning project about sustainable concrete will be provided. Emerging topics such as self-healing concrete, self-consolidating concrete, mart concrete, 3D concrete printing and ultra-high performance concrete will also be covered.


CIVE.3100 Engineering Materials, or CIVE.5050 Concrete Materials, or Permission of Instructor.

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