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ECON.3040 Macroeconomic Theory (Formerly 49.304)

Id: 005906 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


Building on Principles of Macroeconomics (ECON.2020), this course studies goods markets and money markets in further detail. Emphasis is placed on aggregate labor markets and also on the relationship between inflation, unemployment, and aggregate output. These topics are contextualized in order to examine aggregate economic developments in the short, medium, and long run. Optimal monetary and fiscal policies are examined against this background. Select additional topics are covered, such as the basics of open-economy macroeconomics. This course meets the Essential Learning Outcome of Critical Thinking and Problem Solving (CTPS) as defined under the Core Curriculum requirements.


ECON.2020 Principles of Macroeconomics, and MATH.1210 Management Pre-Calculus, or MATH.1220 Management Calculus, or MATH.1310 Calculus I, or MATH.1320 Calculus II, or MATH.2310 Calculus III.

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