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ECON.4070 Econometrics (Formerly 49.407)

Id: 005931 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


This course covers regression analysis including ordinary least squares, bivariate and multiple regression. In addition to basic regression technique and inference issues, specific topics related to OLS, such as interaction terms and quadratic forms together with more advanced techniques such as panel data and instrumental variables will be covered. This course will be held in a teaching lab using the STATA software package widely used by economists and other social scientists. You will learn how to us STATA for the following: importing data from an external source into STATA; inspecting and becoming familiar with the dataset; producing the main descriptive statistics for the dataset (e.g., mean, median, standard deviation and scatter diagrams); analyzing the data to test hypotheses of interest.


Pre-Req: ECON.2120 Statistics II.

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