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EECE.3620 Signals and Systems I (Formerly 16.362)

Id: 003185 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


This course covers various continuous voltage/current time functions and their applications to linear time-invariant (LTI) electrical systems. It reviews pertinent topics from previous courses on circuit theory, such as system functions, S-plane concepts and complete responses. It introduces step and impulse functions and their responses in LTI circuits. It covers the solving of convolution integrals and differential equations, the transformation of signals to Fourier series, the Fourier and Laplace transforms, with their application, in continuous and discrete time, and Parseval's theorem. It also describes analog filter responses and design. A computing project is proposed in this course.


Pre-Req: EECE 2020 Circuit Theory II and MATH 2360 Eng Differential Equations or MATH.2340 Differential Equations.

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