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ENGL.3920 Visual Rhetoric (Formerly 42.392)

Id: 038869 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


This course introduces students to the theory and practice of visual communication. Students will explore what scholars mean by terms such as visual rhetoric and visual literacy in order to think concretely about how these concepts apply to the communication practices they will engage in their academic, professional, and everyday life. Special attention will be paid to the ways in which visual representations communicate culturally-specific meanings about race, gender, class, sexuality, age, nationality, and difference. Assignments include contributions to a course blog, rhetorical analyses of visual texts, design modules, and a multimodal project.


(ENGL 1020 College Writing II or HONR.1100), and (ENGL 2270 Essay Writing, or ENGL 2000 Critical Methods or ENGL 2390 Intro to Professional Writing).

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