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MECH.5190 Engineering Spectral Analysis (Formerly 22.519)

Id: 003878 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


Analytical and experimental background for the fundamental understanding of time and frequency domain signals, required for digital signal processing, vibration, and acoustic signal analysis. Introductory theory is based on simplified concepts form different mechanical signatures in the time domain. The spectral conversion from time domain to frequency domain is illustrated from a phenomenological perspective using examples and dynamic signal analyzer illustrations. The concepts of vibration and acoustic measurement methods are studied through practical projects and LabVIEW exercises. Students will be prepared for more advanced topics on dynamic systems, controls, vibrations, advanced signal processing, acoustics, and experimental structural dynamics. Familiarity with Matlab required.


Pre-Req: MATH 2360 Eng. Differential Equations and MECH 4510 Dynamic Systems Analysis.

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