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MUSR.3600 Critical and Analytical Listening (Formerly 78.360)

Id: 007391 Credits Min: 3 Credits Max: 3


The recognition and identification of timbral modifications and spatial characteristics. Aural analysis of historically significant and current music recordings for recording techniques, musicalbalance, performance intensity, sound quality and imaging. Development of critical listening skills and sound evaluation techniques.


MUSR.3100 Intro to Recording, or MUSR.2600 Music Prod, and MUTH.2030 Aural Skills 3, or MUTH.2080 Musicianship & Analysis 3, and Co-req: MUSR.3900 Acoustics & Psychoacoustics, and MUSR.4100 Recording Prod., or MUSR.3200 Mixing & Mastering Audio.

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