IMAGE OF Partha Chowdhury

Partha Chowdhury

Professor, Head of the Graduate School

College of Sciences
Physics and Applied Physics
Olney Hall 136C

Research Interests

Gamma-ray spectroscopy and nuclear structure


  • Ph D: Physics, (1979), State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY - Stony Brook, NY
  • MA: Physics, (1976), State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY - Stony Brook, NY
  • BS: Physics, (1974), Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur - Kharagpur, INDIA

Selected Publications

  • Brown, T., Chowdhury, P., Doucet, E., Jackson, E.G., Lister, C.J., Mitchell, A.J., Morse, C., Rogers, A.M., Wilson, G.L., D’Olympia, N., Devlin, M., Fotiades, N., Gomez, J.A., Mosby, S.M., Nelson, R.O. (2020). Applications of C7LYC scintillators in fast neutron spectroscopy. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 954 161123.
  • Doucet, E., Brown, T., Chowdhury, P., Lister, C.J., Morse, C., Bender, P., Rogers, A.M. (2020). Machine learning n/γ discrimination in CLYC scintillators. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 954 161201.
  • V.S. Prasher, M. Cromaz, E. Merchan, ., Chowdhury, P., H.L. Crawford, C.J. Lister, C.M. Campbell, I.Y. Lee, A.O. Macchiavelli, D.C. Radford, A. Wiens., . (2017). Sensitivity of GRETINA position resolution to hole mobility. A846, 50 .
  • B.M.S. Amro, C.J. Lister, E.A. McCutchan, W. Loveland, ., Chowdhury, P., S. Zhu, A.D. Ayangeakaa, J.S. Barrett, M.P. Carpenter, C.J. Chiara, J.P. Greene, J.L. Harker, R.V.F. Janssens, T. Lauritsen, A.A. Sonzogni, W.B. Walters, R. Yanez., . (2017). X-ray Spectroscopy of Tl. . C95, 014330..
  • Tandel, S., Chowdhury, P., F.G. Kondev, R.V.F. Janssens, T.L. Khoo, M.P. Carpenter, T. Lauritsen, C.J. Lister, D. Seweryniak, S. Zhu, A. Deacon, S.J. Freeman, N.J. Hammond, G.D. Jones, E.F. Moore, J.F. Smith , . (2016). Configurations and decay hindrances of high-K states in Hf. . . C94, 064304..
  • D.J. Hartley, R.V.F. Janssens, L.L. Riedinger, M.A. Riley, X.Wang, S.L. Miller, A.D. Ayangeakaa, P.F. Bertone, M.P. Carpenter, C.J. Chiara,, ., Chowdhury, P., U. Garg, G. Gurdal, S. S. Hota, F. G. Kondev, T. Lauritsen, W. C. Ma, J. Matta, E.A. McCutchan, S. Mukhopadhyay, E.E. Pedicini, J.R. Vanhoy, S. Zhu , . (2016). First observation of rotational structures in Re. C94, 054329.
  • Reed, M., Lane, G., Dracoulis, G., Kondev, F., Carpenter, M., Chowdhury, P., Hota, S., Hughes, R., Janssens, R., Lauritsen, T., others, . (2016). Impact of triaxiality on the rotational structure of neutron-rich rhenium isotopes. Physics Letters B, 752 311–316.
  • S. S. Hota, S. K. Tandel, , ., Chowdhury, P., I. Ahmad, M. P. Carpenter, C. J. Chiara, J. P. Greene, C. R. Hoffman, E. G. Jackson, R. V. F. Janssens, B. P. Kay, T. L. Khoo, F. G. Kondev, S. Lakshmi, S. Lalkovski, T. Lauritsen, C. J. Lister, E. A. McCutchan, K. Moran, D. Peterson, U. Shirwadkar, D. Seweryniak, I. Stefanescu, Y. Toh, S. Zhu. , . (2016). Population and decay of a KÏ€ = 8− two-quasineutron isomer in Pu. C94, 021303 (R) .
  • M. Albers, S. Zhu, A. D. Ayangeakaa, R. V. F. Janssens, J. Gellanki, I. Ragnarsson, M. Alcorta, T. Baugher, P. F. Bertone, M. P. Carpenter, C. J. Chiara, , ., Chowdhury, P., H. M. David, A. N. Deacon, B. DiGiovine, A. Gade, C. R. Hoffman, F. G. Kondev, T. Lauritsen, C. J. Lister, E. A. McCutchan, C. Nair, A. M. Rogers, D. Seweryniak , . (2016). Single-particle and collective excitations in Ni. C94, 034301 .
  • Dracoulis, G., Lane, G., Kondev, F., Byrne, A., Kibédi, T., Watanabe, H., Ahmad, I., Carpenter, M., Freeman, S., Janssens, R., Chowdhury, P. (2005). Structure of two-, four-, and six-quasiparticle isomers in Yb 174 and K-forbidden decays. Physical Review C, 71(4) 044326.
  • Saleem, K.A., Janssens, R., Carpenter, M., Kondev, F., Wiedenhöver, I., Ahmad, I., Caggiano, J., Chowdhury, P., Cizewski, J., Cline, D., Lister, C. (2004). Alignments in the odd-proton actinides Np 237 and Am 241. Physical Review C, 70(2) 024310.
  • Chowdhury, P., Wilson, C., Gramer, R., Tandel, S., Hammond, N., Lister, C., Fischer, S., Moore, E., Teh, K., McClish, M., others, . (2004). Alpha-Gamma Angular Correlations using Position-Sensitive Detectors (1: pp. 15001).
  • Scholes, D., Cullen, D., Kondev, F., Janssens, R., Carpenter, M., Hartley, D., Djongolov, M., Sletten, G., Hagemann, G., Wheldon, C., Ch, P. (2004). Highly deformed Bands in Hf 175. Physical Review C, 70(5) 054314.
  • Dracoulis, G., Kondev, F., Lane, G., Byrne, A., Kibédi, T., Ahmad, I., Carpenter, M., Freeman, S., Janssens, R., Hammond, N., Chowdhury, P. (2004). Identification of yrast high-K isomers in 177 Lu and characterisation of 177mLu. Physics Letters B, 584(1) 22–30.
  • Chowdhury, P., Gramer, R., Tandel, S., Reinhardt, C. (2004). Investigating Coincidence Techniques in Biomedical Applications of Neutron Activation Analysis (1: pp. 15004).
  • Parnell-Lampen, C., Chowdhury, P., Tandel, S. (2004). Isomeric States in 181Hf (1:).
  • Kondev, F., Dracoulis, G., Lane, G., Ahmad, I., Byrne, A., Carpenter, M., Chowdhury, P., Freeman, S., Hammond, N., Janssens, R., others, . (2004). K-Mixing and fast decay of a seven-quasiparticle isomer in 179Ta. The European Physical Journal A-Hadrons and Nuclei, 22(1) 23–27.
  • Hartley, D., Djongolov, M., Riedinger, L., Bingham, C., Danchev, M., Goon, J., Zhang, J., Carpenter, M., Janssens, R., Khoo, T., Chowdhury, P. (2004). Search for Wobbling Excitations in Superdeformed Hf Nuclei (1:).
  • Tandel, S., Tandel, U., Parnell-Lampen, C., Chowdhury, P., Carpenter, M., Hammond, N., Janssens, R., Khoo, T., Kondev, F., Lauritsen, T., others, . (2004). Sub-microsecond isomers in neutron-rich Hf isotopes (1:).
  • Djongolov, M., Riedinger, L., Bingham, C., Danchev, M., Goon, J., Zhang, J., Hartley, D., Carpenter, M., Janssens, R., Khoo, T., cHOW, P. (2004). Two-quasiparticle bands in 174Hf studied with Gammasphere (1:).
  • Kondev, F., Janssens, R., Carpenter, M., Lister, C., Abu-Saleem, K., Ahmad, I., Heinz, A., Khoo, T., Lauritsen, T., Seweryniak, D., Chowdhury, P. (2003). Configuration and Decay of a 9-quasiparticle Isomer in 175Hf (1:).
  • Djongolov, M., Hartley, D., Riedinger, L., Kondev, F., Janssens, R., Saleem, K.A., Ahmad, I., Balabanski, D., Carpenter, M., Chowdhury, P., Lister, C. (2003). Extending the region of triaxial superdeformation: candidate TSD bands in 174 Hf. Physics Letters B, 560(1) 24–30.
  • Hartley, D., Djongolov, M., Riedinger, L., Kondev, F., Janssens, R., Saleem, K.A., Ahmad, I., Balabanski, D., Carpenter, M., Chowdhury, P., others, . (2003). Possible Triaxial Superdeformation In 174Hf (656:1 pp. 177–183).
  • Tandel, S., Ngijoi-Yogo, E., Chowdhury, P. (2003). Shapes and alignments in neutron-rich nuclei in the A= 180 region (1:).
  • Ngijoi-Yogo, E., Chowdhury, P., Shestakova, I., Tandel, S., Mukherjee, G., Cline, D., Hayes, A., Teng, R., Wu, C., Kondev, F., others, . (2003). Vibrational Band Structures in 180Hf (1:).
  • de Godoy, T., Chowdhury, P. (2002). Constrained Rotations using Digital Video (1: pp. 1004).
  • Abu Saleem, K., Janssens, R., Carpenter, M., Kondev, F., Ahmad, I., Greene, J., Caggiano, J., Heinz, A., Khoo, T., Lauritsen, T., Chow, P. (2002). Coulomb Excitation and Few Nucleon Transfer Reactions with 209Bi Beams on 237Np and 241Am Targets (1:).
  • Hartley, D., Djongolov, M., Riedinger, L., Balabanski, D., Danchev, M., Goon, J., Zeidan, O., Zhang, J., Kondev, F., Janssens, R., Chowdhury, P. (2002). Extending the Region of Triaxial Superdeformation: Candidate TSD Bands in 174Hf (1:).
  • Abu Saleem, K., Janssens, R., Kondev, F., Ahmad, I., Caggiano, J., Carpenter, M., Greene, J., Heinz, A., Khoo, T., Lauritsen, T., Chow, P. (2002). High Spin States in 237Np and 241Am (1: pp. 10010).
  • Hartley, D., Riedinger, L., Djongolov, M., Balabanski, D., Danchev, M., Goon, J., Zeidan, O., Kondev, F., Janssens, R., Abu Saleem, K., Chowdhury, P. (2002). High-K Bands at High Spin in 174Hf (1: pp. 10005).
  • Djongolov, M., Hartley, D., Balabanski, D., Danchev, M., Goon, J.T., Riedinger, L., Zeidan, O., Moore, E., Janssens, R., Kondev, F., Chowdhury, P. (2002). Low-K rotatonal structures in 174Hf (1:).
  • Mukherjee, G., Khoo, T., Seweryniak, D., Ahmad, I., Carpenter, M., Davids, C., Heinz, A., Janssens, R., Kondev, F., Lauritsen, T., Chowdhury, P. (2002). New Isomer in 217Th using RDT (1:).
  • Ngijoi-Yogo, E., Chowdhury, P., McIver, T., Mukherjee, G., Shestakova, I., Cline, D., Hayes, A., Teng, R., Wu, C., Kondev, F., others, . (2002). Prompt Spectroscopy of Neutron-rich 180,181,182 Hf Nuclei (1: pp. 10007).
  • Djongolov, M., Hartley, D., Riedinger, L., Balabanski, D., Danchev, M., Goon, J., Zeidan, O., Kondev, F., Janssens, R., Abu Saleem, K., Chowdhury, P. (2002). Triaxial Superdefomed Bands in 174Hf (1: pp. 10006).
  • Mukherjee, G., Chowdhury, P., Shestakova, I., D’Alarcao, R., El-Masri, H., Walker, P., Wheldon, C., Cullen, D., Balabanski, D., Danchev, M., others, . (2001). Anomalous reduced hindrance in 176Hf (1: pp. 15004).
  • Wheldon, C., Walker, P., Chowdhury, P., Shestakova, I., D’Alarcao, R., Ahmad, I., Carpenter, M., Cullen, D., Janssens, R., Khoo, T., others, . (2001). First observation of a rotational band in neutron-rich 180Lu. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 27(2) L13.
  • Chowdhury, P., Shestakova, I., D’Alarcao, R., Pearson, C., Podolyak, Z., Walker, P., Wheldon, C., Cullen, D., Ahmad, I., Carpenter, M., others, . (2001). Harvesting new isomers in neutron-rich hafnium nuclei. Nuclear Physics A, 682(1) 65–70.
  • Chowdhury, P. (2001). Microscopy of femtoscale structures. Pramana, 57(1) 31–40.
  • Shestakova, I., Chowdhury, P., D’Alarcao, R., Mukherjee, G., Pearson, C., Podolyak, Z., Walker, P., Wheldon, C., Cullen, D., Ahmad, I., others, . (2001). New four-quasiparticle excitations in 182Hf (1: pp. 15007).
  • Shestakova, I., Mukherjee, G., Chowdhury, P., D’Alarcao, R., Pearson, C., Podolyak, Z., Walker, P., Wheldon, C., Cullen, D., Ahmad, I., Lister, C. (2001). Yrast three-quasiparticle K isomers in neutron-rich 181 Hf. Physical Review C, 64(5) 054307.
  • Shestakova, I., Chowdhury, P., D’Alarcao, R., Pearson, C., Podolyak, Z., Walker, P., Wheldon, C., Cullen, D., Ahmad, I., Carpenter, M., others, . (2000). Climbing up the isomer ladder in neutron-rich 181Hf (1: pp. 22010).
  • Wheldon, C., Walker, P., Chowdhury, P., Shestakova, I., D’Alarcao, R., Ahmad, I., Carpenter, M., Cullen, D., Janssens, R., Khoo, T., others, . (2000). Inelastic excitation of new high-spin yrast isomers in 180 Ta. Physical Review C, 62(5) 057301.
  • Shestakova, I., Chowdhury, P., D’Alarcao, R., Pearson, C., Podolyak, Z., Walker, P., Wheldon, C., Cullen, D., Ahmad, I., Carpenter, M., others, . (2000). Yrast K-Isomers in neutron-rich 181Hf (1:).
  • Shestakova, I., Chowdhury, P., D’Alarcao, R., Krycka, K., Seabury, E., Clark, R., Cromaz, M., Fallon, P., Lee, I., Macchiavelli, A., others, . (1999). Exploring the Dependence on Projectile Characteristics in Populating K-Isomers via Inelastic Excitation (1:).
  • d’Alarcao, R., Chowdhury, P., Seabury, E., Walker, P., Wheldon, C., Ahmad, I., Carpenter, M., Hackman, G., Janssens, R., Khoo, T., others, . (1999). High-K isomers in neutron-rich hafnium nuclei at and beyond the stability line. Physical Review C, 59(3) R1227.
  • Wheldon, C., Walker, P., D’Alarcao, R., Chowdhury, P., Pearson, C., Seabury, E., Ahmad, I., Carpenter, M., Cullen, D., Hackman, G., others, . (1999). Identification of a high-K isomer in neutron-rich 185Ta. The European Physical Journal A-Hadrons and Nuclei, 5(4) 353–355.
  • Chowdhury, P., D’Alarcao, R., Seabury, E., Walker, P., Wheldon, C., Ahmad, I., Carpenter, M., Hackman, G., Janssen, R., Khoo, T., others, . (1999). K-isomers in Hf nuclei at and beyond the neutron-rich edge of $β$-stability. Nuclear Physics A, 654(1) 651c–654c.
  • Wiedenhöver, I., Janssens, R., Hackman, G., Ahmad, I., Greene, J., Amro, H., Bhattacharyya, P., Carpenter, M., Chowdhury, P., Cizewski, J., L, C. (1999). Octupole correlations in the Pu isotopes: From vibration to static deformation? Physical review letters, 83(11) 2143.
  • D’Alarcao, R., Chowdhury, P., Shestakova, I., Pearson, C., Podolyak, Z., Walker, P., Wheldon, C., Cullen, D., Ahmad, I., Carpenter, M., others, . (1999). Studying K-Isomers populated in U+ Hf reactions with Gammasphere (1:).
  • D’Alarcao, R., Seabury, E., Chowdhury, P., Walker, P., Wheldon, C., Ahmad, I., Carpenter, M., Hackman, G., Janssens, R., Khoo, T., others, . (1998). Inelastic Excitation of Multi-quasiparticle K-Isomers in 180,181 Hf Nuclei (1: pp. 2308).
  • Seabury, E., Chowdhury, P., Ahmad, I., Carpenter, M., Fischer, S., Janssens, R., Khoo, T., Lauritsen, T., Lister, C., Seweryniak, D. (1998). Multi-quasiparticle Isomers and High-K Structures in 174W (1: pp. 1501).