Emily Greene-Colozzi

Emily Greene-Colozzi, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

College of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
School of Criminology and Justice Studies, Center for Terrorism & Security Studies
Health and Social Sciences Building - 457


Mass and school shootings; terrorism; situational crime prevention; threat assessment; open-source methodology

Research Interests

Mass and extremist violence; school shootings; situational crime prevention; rational choice and decision-making; pathway to violence; open-source data collection


  • Ph.D.: Criminal Justice (2022), The Graduate Center/John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York
  • MA: Forensic Psychology (2017), John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York, N.Y.
  • BA: Psychobiology (2010), Wheaton College, Mass.

Selected Publications

  • Greene-Colozzi, E.A. & Silva, J.R. (2022). Mass outcome or mass intent?: A proposal for an intent-focused, no-minimum casualty count definition of public mass shooting incidents. Journal of Mass Violence Research, 1(2), 27-41.
  • Freilich, J.D., Chermak, S. Connell, N. Klein B. & E. Greene-Colozzi. (2022). Using open-source data to better understand and respond to American school shootings: Introducing and exploring The American School Shooting Study (TASSS). Journal of School Violence.
  • Holt, T., Chermak, S., Freilich, J., Turner, N., & Greene-Colozzi, E. (2022). Introducing and exploring the Extremist Cybercrime Database (ECCD). Crime & Delinquency. .
  • Greene-Colozzi, E.A., Freilich, J.D., & Chermak, S.M. (2021). Developing Open-Source Databases from Online Sources. In T.J. Holt & A. Lavorgna. Eds. Researching cybercrimes, methodologies, ethics, and critical approaches. Palgrave MacMillan.
  • Greene-Colozzi, E.A. & Silva, J.R. (2020). Contextualizing firearms in mass shooting incidents: A study of guns, regulations, and outcomes. Justice Quarterly. DOI: 10.1080/07418825.2020.1818805
  • Silva, J. R. & Greene-Colozzi, E.A. (2019). Fame-seeking Mass Shooters in America: Severity, Characteristics, and Media Coverage. Aggression & Violent Behavior, 48, 24-35.

Selected Presentations

  • Silva, J.R. & Greene-Colozzi, E.A. (2022). What we know about foiled and failed mass school shootings. Research Series Webinar: Keeping Schools Safe from Firearm Violence. Regional Gun Violence Research Consortium, Rockefeller Institute of Government.
  • Greene-Colozzi, E.A. (2021). Mitigating the harm of public mass shooting incidents through situational crime prevention. American Society of Criminology 77th Annual Meeting.
  • Greene-Colozzi, E. & Freilich, J.D. (2021). Comparing offender and offense characteristics from the George Floyd protests and Capitol riot. American Psychological Association Division 48 (Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Peace Psychology) Annual Conference.
  • Greene-Colozzi, E., Hatten, D., & Limoncelli, K. (2018). Understanding Environmental Predictors of Mass Shooting Casualties: A Routine Activities Perspective. American Society of Criminology 74th Annual Meeting.