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Guy DeMartinis, D.Eng., SMIEEE

Director/Principal Investigator STL

Kennedy College of Sciences
Submillimeter-Wave Technology Laboratory (STL), Physics & Applied Physics


Millimeter and terahertz wave systems design and applications.

Research Interests

Transceiver modeling and design; Optimization and signal reconstruction techniques; Complex electromagnetic media; Computational electromagnetics.


  • Doctor of Engineering – Electrical Engineering (Applied and Computational Electromagnetics) – UMass Lowell
  • Master of Science – Electrical Engineering (Electro-Optics) – UMass Lowell
  • Bachelor of Science – Physics (Optics) – Magna Cum Laude – UMass Lowell
  • Bachelor of Music – Sound Recording Technology – Cum Laude - UMass Lowell


Guy DeMartinis is the Director of the Submillimeter-Wave Technology Laboratory (STL) located at the University of Massachusetts Lowell and is also the Principal Investigator of the laboratory’s Department of Defense multi-year Submillimeter-Wave Radar Signature Modeling program. In these roles he supports the day-to-day operations of the laboratory including financial management, the overseeing of program deliverables and personnel administration. DeMartinis also works with approximately 20 full-time staff and 10 undergraduate/graduate students to expand laboratory efforts in a number of areas including the design, modeling, and novel implementation of high-frequency electromagnetic systems, devices, signal processing techniques and complex materials. He has previously held the positions of STL Assistant Director and Senior Radar Engineer at STL with significant experience regarding the design and deployment of unique millimeter-wave/THz instrumentation radar transceivers in support of electromagnetic scattering measurements. Prior to STL he was employed as a Senior Electrical Engineer with the Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems Antenna and Microwave Group working on wide range of electrical and electromagnetic engineering efforts.

As a student at UMass Lowell DeMartinis was a recipient of the C. Daniel Cole and Charles Mingin undergraduate awards in Physics as well as the Outstanding Graduate Student Award in Electrical Engineering. DeMartinis is a Senior Member of the IEEE, a member of the Tau Beta Pi and Sigma Pi Sigma Honor Societies, as well as the Order of the Engineer. He is also a FCC-licensed Extra-Class Amateur Radio Operator and an ARRL-VEC-accredited Volunteer Examiner with an interest in operation of home-brewed antennas/radios/radar, scientific applications of amateur radio, and the history of early radio and electromagnetics research.