Cyber-Physical Systems, Network Optimization, Reliability, Smart Grids, Cyber-Security
Research Interests
Analysis of architectures and protocols for ultra-high speed networks, grid and cloud networks, and green networking.
The design, analysis, and modeling of architectures, protocols, and algorithms for ultra-high speed networks, such as Optical networks, Grid/Cloud networks, and Big-data networks. He has been funded by NSF, DOE, USMC and industry.
- Ph D: Computer Science, (2004), The University of Texas - Texas, Dallas
Dissertation/Thesis Title: Design and Analysis of Architectures and Protocols for Optical Burst-Switched Networks - MS: Computer Science, (2001), The University of Texas at Dallas - Texas, Dallas
Dissertation/Thesis Title: Burst Segmentation: New Policy for Contention Resolution in Optical Burst-Switched Networks - BS, (1999), University of Mysore, India - Mysore, India
Vinod M. Vokkarane is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. He was also a Visiting Scientist at the Claude E. Shannon Communication and Network Group, Research Laboratory of Electronics (RLE) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) from 2011 to 2014. He received the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Dallas in 2004. He has published more than 150 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers. He is the recipient of the UMass Dartmouth Scholar of the Year Award 2011, the UMass Dartmouth Chancellor's Innovation in Teaching Award 2010-11, the University of Texas at Dallas Computer Science Dissertation of the Year Award 2003-04, and the Texas Telecommunication Engineering Consortium Fellowship 2002-03.聽
Vokkarane is the co-author of a book, 鈥淥ptical Burst Switched Networks,鈥 Springer, 2005. He is currently on the Editorial Board of IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking (JOCN) and Springer Photonic Network Communications Journal and has also served as an Editor of IEEE Communications Letters and Elsevier Journal of Optical Switching and Networking. He has co-authored several Best Paper Awards, including the IEEE GLOBECOM 2005, IEEE ANTS 2010, ONDM 2015, ONDM 2016, and IEEE ANTS 2016. He has served as the Technical Program Committee Chair for the Optical Networks and Systems (ONS) symposia at ICCCN 2007 and 2010, IEEE GLOBECOM 2011, IEEE ICC 2012, IEEE INFOCOM High-Speed Networks (HSN) workshop 2011, IEEE ANTS 2013, and IEEE ANTS 2014. He has served as the General Vice-Chair for IEEE ANTS 2015 and the General Co-chair for IEEE ANTS 2016. He is currently the TPC co-chair of 38th IEEE Sarnoff Symposium 2017. He is a Senior Member of IEEE.
Selected Awards and Honors
- Best Computer Science Ph.D. Dissertation Award - The University of Texas at Dallas
- Chancellor's Innovation in Teaching Award - University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
- Scholar of the Year Award - University of Massachusetts Dartmouth 2010-11.
- Texas Public Education Grant Scholarship - The University of Texas at Dallas
- Texas Telecommunications Engineering Fellowship - Texas Telecommunications Engineering Consortium (TXTEC)
- Wall of Scholarship - University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
- Best Poster Award - IPDPS 2013 (2013) - PhD Forum, Boston, MA, May 2013.
- Best Paper Award Candidate & Best Poster Award Candidate (2010) - IEEE ANTS
- Best Poster Award Candidate _ Honorable Mention (2007) - UMass Instructional Tech. Conference, Boxborough, MA
- Best Paper Award (2005) - IEEE Global Communication Conference (GLOBECOM)
Selected Publications
- Chen, S., Liu, C., Cao, Y., Luo, Y., Chen, G., Vokkarane, V.M., Ma, Y., Hou, P. (2017). A New Deep Learning-based Food Recognition System for Dietary Assessment on An Edge Computing Service Infrastructure. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, PP(99) 1-1.
- Wang, C., Xing, L., Zonouz, A.E., Vokkarane, V.M., Sun, Y.L. (2017). Communication Reliability Analysis of Wireless Sensor Networks Using Phased-Mission Model. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 33(4) 823鈥837.
- Zhao, J., Vokkarane, V.M. (2017). Reverse Manycast Data Retrieval in Elastic Optical Networks. ONDM 2017
- Zhao, J., Joseph, A., Vokkarane, V.M. (2017). Sequential and Parallel Scheduling of Dynamic Bandwidth-Intensive Scientific Workflows in Elastic Optical Networks.
- Plante, J.M., Vokkarane, V.M. (2017). Spatially and Spectrally Flexible Lightpath Scheduling.
- Deylamsalehi, A., Cui, Y., Afsharlar, P., Vokkarane, V.M. (2017). Minimizing Electricity Cost and Emissions in Optical Multilayer Core Networks. J. Opt. Commun. Netw., 9(4) 257鈥274.
- P. Afsharlar, A. Deylamsalehi, J.M. Plante, J. Zhao, ., Vokkarane, V.M. (2017). Routing and Spectrum Assignment with Delayed Allocation in Elastic Optical Networks. IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking (JOCN), 9(2).
- Levitin, G., Xing, L., Dai, Y., Vokkarane, V.M. (2017). Dynamic Checkpointing Policy in Heterogeneous Real-Time Standby Systems. IEEE Transactions on Computers, PP(99) 1-1.
- Deylamsalehi, A., Afsharlar, P., Vokkarane, V.M. (2017). Electricity Cost and Emissions Reduction in Optical Networks.
- A. Deylamsalehi, P. Afsharlar, ., Vokkarane, V.M. (2017). Electricity Cost and Emissions Reduction in Optical Networks. Silicon Valley
- Zhao, J., Vokkarane, V.M. (2017). Reverse Manycast Data Retrieval in Elastic Optical Networks.
- Plante, J.M., Vokkarane, V.M. (2017). Sliding Scheduled Lightpath Establishment With Time-Slotted Wavelength-Switching. J. Opt. Commun. Netw., 9(1) 119鈥137.
- Liu, C., Cao, Y., Luo, Y., Chen, G., Vokkarane, V.M., Ma, Y. (2016). DeepFood: Deep Learning-Based Food Image Recognition for Computer-Aided Dietary Assessment (pp. 37鈥48). Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
- Wang, C., Xing, L., Vokkarane, V.M., Sun, Y.L. (2016). Infrastructure Communication Sensitivity Analysis of Wireless Sensor Networks. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 32(2) 581鈥594.
- Afsharlar, P., Deylamsalehi, A., Vokkarane, V.M. (2016). Delayed Spectrum Allocation for Anycast Advance Reservation with Flexible Window in Elastic Optical Networks.
- Zhao, J., Vokkarane, V.M. (2016). Dynamic Erasure-coded Data Retrieval in Elastic Optical Data Center Networks.
- Deylamsalehi, A., Afsharlar, P., Vokkarane, V.M. (2016). Modeling Energy Costs and Emissions for Anycast RWA in Optical Data Center Networks.
- Davis, D.A., Vokkarane, V.M. (2016). Resource survivability for multicast in elastic optical networks (pp. 199 - 206).
- Afsharlar, P., Plante, J.M., Deylamsalehi, A., Zhao, J., Vokkarane, V.M. (2016). Delayed Spectrum Allocation for Advance Reservation in Elastic Optical Networks. 20th Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM)
- Zonouz, A.E., Liudong, X., Vokkarane, V.M., Sun, Yan (Lindsay), . (2016). Hybrid wireless sensor networks: a reliability, cost and energy-aware approach. IET Wireless Sensor Systems, 6(2) 42-48.
- Plante, J.M., Gadkar, A., Vokkarane, V.M. (2016). Manycast Overlay in Split-incapable Networks for Supporting Bandwidth-intensive Applications. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), 24(1) 342鈥354.
- Deylamsalehi, A., Afsharlar, P., Vokkarane, V.M. (2016). Real-time energy price-aware anycast RWA in optical data center networks. Proceedings, International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, Green Computing, Networking, and Communications Symposium (ICNC鈥16 - GCNC)
- Davis, D.A., Vokkarane, V.M. (2016). Static protection against single multicast resource failure in optical WDM networks. Springer Photonic Networks Communications, Special Issue on Top Papers from ONDM 2015, 31(3) 386鈥403.
- Plante, J.M., Davis, D.A., Vokkarane, V.M. (2015). Parallel and Survivable Multipath Circuit Provisioning in ESnet鈥檚 OSCARS. Springer Photonic Networks Communications, Special Issue on Top Papers from IEEE ANTS 2014, 30(3) 363鈥375.
- J.M. Plante, D.A.P. Davis, ., Vokkarane, V.M. (2015). Parallel Circuit Provisioning in ESnet's OSCARS. 30(3) 363-375 DOI: 10.1007/s11107-015-0535-x..
- Zonouz, A.E., Xing, L., Vokkarane, V.M., Sun, Y. (2015). Application communication reliability of wireless sensor networks. Wireless Sensor Systems, IET, 5(2) 58-67.
- Davis, D.A., Plante, J.M., Vokkarane, V.M. (2015). Critical resource multicast protection in data center networks (pp. 5721-5727).
- Zeng, Y., Sun, Y., Xing, L., Vokkarane, V.M. (2015). A Study of Online Social Network Privacy Via the TAPE Framework. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing - Special Issue on Signal and Information Processing for Privacy, 9(7) 1270-1284.
- Y. Zeng, Y. Sun, L. Xing, ., Vokkarane, V.M. (2015). Online Social Networks Privacy Study Through TAPE Framework. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing - Special Issue on Signal and Information Processing for Privacy, DOI: 10.1109/JSTSP.2015.2427774.
- Sch枚endienst, T., Vokkarane, V.M. (2015). Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions With Power Source-Aware Multidomain Multilayer Networks. IEEE Systems Journal - Special Issue on Green Communications, Computing, and Systems, PP(99) 1-11.
- Sch枚ndienst, T., Vokkarane, V.M. (2015). Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions with Power Source Aware Multi-Domain Multi-Layer Networks. DOI:10.1109/JSYST.2015.2448599.
- Ramaprasad, B.H., Schondienst, T., Vokkarane, V.M. (2014). Dynamic continuous and non-continuous advance reservation in SLICE networks (pp. 3319-3324).
- Schondienst, T., Vokkarane, V.M. (2014). Multi-domain grooming in power source aware networks (pp. 1980-1985).
- Zonouz, A.E., Xing, L., Vokkarane, V.M., Sun, Y. (2014). Reliability-Oriented Single-Path Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors Journal, IEEE, 14(11) 4059-4068.
- Schondienst, T., Vokkarane, V.M., Plante, J.M., Gadkar, A., Vokkarane, V.M. (2014). Renewable energy-aware grooming in IP-over-WDM networks; Manycast Overlay in Split-Incapable Networks for Supporting Bandwidth-Intensive Applications (PP: pp. 163; 1-167; 1).
- T. Scho篓ndienst, ., Davis, D.A., Plante, J.M., Vokkarane, V.M. (2014). Renewable Energy-Aware Manycast Overlays. Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on, 32(8) 1585-1599.
- Gadkar, A., Entel, T., Plante, J.M., Vokkarane, V.M. (2014). Slotted advance reservation for multicast-incapable optical wavelength division multiplexing networks. Optical Communications and Networking, IEEE/OSA Journal of, 6(3) 340-354.
- Zeng, Y., Sun, Y., Xing, L., Vokkarane, V.M. (2014). Trust-aware privacy evaluation in online social networks (pp. 932-938).
Selected Presentations
- DOE COMMON Project: Coordinated Multi-layer Multi-domain Optical Network Framework for Large-scale Science Applications - Annual PI meeting, Next-Generation Networks for Science (NGNS), Mar. 18-20, Berkeley, CA., March - Berkeley, CA.
- Trust-Aware Privacy Evaluation in Online Social Networks - Communication and Information Systems Security Symposium, June 2014 - Sydney, Australia
- Dynamic continuous and Non-Continuous advance reservation in SLICE networks - IEEE ICC 2014 - Optical Networks and Systems, June 2014 - Sydney, Australia
- Dual Power-Source Aware Optical Manycasting - 23rd Wireless and Optical Communication Conference, May 2014 - Newark, USA
- RINSE: Reducing the Impact of Network Survivability on the Environment - 23rd Wireless and Optical Communication Conference, May 2014 - Newark, USA
- Energy-Cost Aware Routing Using Real-Time Pricing of Power Grids - 23rd Wireless and Optical Communication Conference (WOCC 2014), May 2014 - Newark, USA
- Introducing Survivability and Anycast Functionality to OSCARS - 23rd Wireless and Optical Communication Conference (WOCC 2014), May 2014 - Newark, USA
- Dual Power-Source Aware Optical Manycasting - 17th Annual Student Research & Community Engagement Symposium, April 2014 - University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA
- Energy-Cost Aware Routing Using Real-Time Pricing of Power Grids - 17th Annual Student Research & Community Engagement Symposium, April 2014 - University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA
- RINSE: Reducing the Impact of Network Survivability on the Environment - 17th Annual Student Research & Community Engagement Symposium, April 2014 - University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA
- Independent Probabilistic Common-Cause Failure Analysis in Phased-Mission Systems - Sigma Xi Research Exhibition, April 2014 - University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
- Renewable energy-aware grooming in IP-over-WDM networks - 3. T. Sch職ndienst* and V. M. Vokkarane, Renewable energy-aware grooming inInternational Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, Green Computing, Networking and Communications Symposium, February 2014 - Honolulu, USA
- A Time-Dependent Link Failure Model for Wireless Sensor Networks - Annual Reliability & Maintainability Symposium, January 2014 - Colorado Springs, CO
- A Phased-Mission Framework for Communication Reliability in WSN - Reliability & Maintainability Symposium, January 2014 - Colorado Springs, CO
- Energy Source-Aware Manycast Overlay in WDM Networks - IEEE Globecom 2013, December 2013 - Atlanta, Georgia
- Energy source aware WDM core networks - International Workshop on Optical Networking (iWON 2013), December 2013 - Atlanta, Georgia
- Enhancing ESnet's Unicast-Only OSCARS with a Manycast Overlay Service - 6th Workshop on Many-Task Computing on Clouds, Grids, and Supercomputers (MTAGS), November 2013 - Denver, CO
- Breaking Through Capacity Barriers and Lowering Cost with New Architectures and Technologies Workshop - NSF NSF Scaling Terabit Networks, September 2013 - Washington, DC.
- Static Manycast Advance Reservation in Split-Incapable Optical Networks - IEEE ICC 2013, June 2013 - Budapest, Hungary
- Reducing the Environmental Impact of Optical Networks - IPDPS 2013 PhD Forum, May 2013 - Boston, MA
- Application Communication Reliability of Wireless Sensor Networks Supporting K-coverage - The 7th International Workshop on Wireless Sensor, Actuator and Robot Networks, May 2013 - Cambridge, MA
- Reliability Modeling of Wireless Sensors - Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS 2013), January 2013 - Orlando, FL
- Deadline-Aware Co-Scheduling Using Anycast Advance Reservations in Wavelength Routed Lambda Grids - International Conference and Workshop on Computing, Networking and Communications, January 2013 - San Diego, CA
- Improving Service Differentiation of Immediate and Advance Reservation in Resource-Partitioned Optical WDM Networks - International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), January 2013 - San Diego, CA
- Dynamic Advance Reservation Multicast Overlay for Slotted Optical WDM Networks - Optical Networks and Switching Symposium, December 2012 - Anaheim, CA
- Linear Cryptanalysis of A Survivable Data Transmission Mechanism for Sensor Networks - IEEE Homeland Security Conference 2012, November 2012 - Waltham, MA
- Dual Power Source Aware Algorithms for Green Optical Network Survivability - IEEE GreenCom 2012, Online Conference., September 2012
- K-coverage Reliability Evaluation for Wireless Sensor Networks, July 2012
- Manycast and Anycast-Based Infrastructure Communication Reliability for Wireless Sensor Networks, July 2012
- Reliability Study of Wireless Sensor Networks with Different Network Topology Characteristics - International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering, June 2012 - Chengdu, Sichuan, China
- On Extending ESnet's OSCARS with an Anycast Path Computation Element - 16th International Conference on Optical Networking Design and Modeling, April 2012 - Colchester, UK
- Scheduled Multicast Overlay in WDM Unicast Networks - 16th International Conference on Optical Networking Design and Modeling (ONDM 2012), April 2012
- Dynamic Manycasting in Optical Split-Incapable WDM Networks for Supporting High-Bandwidth Applications - International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, Optical and Grid Networking Symposium, January 2012 - Maui, Hawaii
- Dynamic Non-Continuous Single Slot Advance Reservation over Wavelength Routed Networks - International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, Optical and Grid Networking Symposium (ICNC 2012), January 2012 - Maui, Hawaii
- J. Plante*, A.G. Gadkar*, and V.M. Vokkarane, Dynamic Manycasting in Optical Split-Incapable WDM Networks for Supporting High-Bandwidth Applications. - International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, Optical and Grid Networking Symposium (ICNC 2012), January 2012 - Maui, Hawaii
- A.G. Gadkar*, J. Plante*, and V.M. Vokkarane, Manycasting: Energy-Efficient Multicasting in WDM Optical Unicast Networks. - EEE GLOBECOM 2011, Green Communication Systems and Network Track, December 2011 - Houston Texas
- J. Triay*, C. Cervello-Pastor, and V.M. Vokkarane, Analytical Model for Hybrid Immediate and Advance Reservation in Optical WDM Networks - IEEE GLOBECOM 2011, Communications QoS, Reliability, and Modeling Symposium, December 2011 - Houston, TX.
- Dynamic Non-Continuous Advance Reservation over Wavelength-Routed Networks - 20th IEEE ICCCN 2011, 2011
- Static Multicast Overlay in WDM Unicast Networks for Large-Scale Scientific Applications - 20th IEEE ICCCN 2011, 2011
- Dynamic Service-Aware Reservation Framework for Multi-Layer High-Speed Networks - 5th Workshop on Performance Modeling and Evaluation in Computer and Telecommunication Networks (PMECT), 2011 - Maui, Hawaii
- A Framework for Real-Time Monitoring of Acoustic Events Using a Wireless Sensor Network - IEEE Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST), November 2011 - Waltham, MA
- A. Dhawan*, R. Balasubramanian, and V.M. Vokkarane, A Framework for Real-Time Monitoring of Acoustic Events Using a Wireless Sensor Network. - IEEE Homeland Security Conference, November 2011 - Waltham, MA
- Dynamic Anycasting over Wavelength Routed Networks with Lightpath Switching - IEEE High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR 2011), July 2011 - Cartagena, Spain
- Dynamic Advance Reservation with Delayed Allocation over Wavelength-Routed Networks - 13th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), June 2011 - Stockholm, Sweden
- Dynamic Anycast Routing and Wavelength Assignment in WDM Networks Using Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) - IEEE ICC 2011, June 2011 - Kyoto, Japan
- Load-Aware Anycast Routing in IP-over-WDM Networks - IEEE ICC 2011, June 2011 - Kyoto, Japan
- - NSF-NASA FutureHetNets 2011 Workshop, March 2011 - Mountain View, CA
- - Terabits Backbone Networking Challenges Group, DOE Terabit Networks for Extreme Scale Science Workshop, February 2011 - Rockville, MD
- Crosstalk-Aware Anycast Routing and Wavelength Assignment in Optical WDM Networks - Fourth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunication Systems (ANTS), December 2010 - IIT Mumbai, India
- Dynamic Circuits with Lightpath Switching over Wavelength Routed Networks - Fourth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunication Systems (ANTS), December 2010 - IIT Mumbai, India
- Multicast Advance Reservation RWA Heuristics in Wavelength-Routed Networks - IEEE Globecom 2010, Optical Networks and Systems Symposium, December 2010 - Miami, FL
- Multicast Advance Reservation RWA Heuristics in Wavelength-Routed Networks - Optical Networks and Systems Symposium, December 2010 - Miami, FL
- Performance Evaluation of TCP over Optical Burst Switched (OBS) Networks using Coordinated Burst Cloning and Forward-Segment Redundancy - Optical Networks and Systems Symposium, December 2010 - Miami, Fl
- QoS-Aware Cross-Layer Multicasting for Optical Packet-Switched Networks: Simulation Exploration and Test-Bed Demonstration - 36th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication, September 2010 - Torino, Italy
- Coordinated Multi-Layer Loss Recovery in TCP over Optical Burst-Switched (OBS) Networks - IEEE ICC 2010, May 2010 - Cape Town, South Africa
- Tabu Search Meta-Heuristic for Static Manycast Routing and Wavelength Assignment over Wavelength-Routed Optical WDM Networks, May 2010 - Cape Town, South Africa
- Static Manycast Routing and Wavelength Assignment over Wavelength-Routed Optical WDM Networks - Third IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunication Systems (ANTS), December 2009 - Delhi, India.
- Unfairness in TCP Performance over Lossy Optical Burst-Switched (OBS) Networks - Third IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunication Systems (ANTS), December 2009 - IIT Delhi, India
- Unfairness in TCP Performance over Lossy Optical Burst-Switched (OBS) Networks - Third IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunication Systems (ANTS), December 2009 - IIT Delhi, India
- MASCOT: Manycast Architecture for Service-Oriented Tactical Applications - IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST '09), May 2009 - Waltham, MA.
- Dynamic Load-Balanced Manycasting over Optical Burst-Switched (OBS) Networks - IEEE/OSA OFC/NFOEC, March 2009 - San Diego, California
- Proactive Loss Recovery using Forward Segment Redundancy in Optical Burst-Switched (OBS) Networks - 46. D. Chandran*, N. Charbonneau*, and V.M. Vokkarane, 脪Proactive Loss Recovery using Forward Segment RedundaSecond IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunication Systems (ANTS), December 2008 - IIT Bombay, India
- Performance Analysis of Dual-Homed Fault-Tolerant Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks - IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST 2008), December 2008 - Waltham, Massachusetts
- TCP Over Optical Burst Switching (OBS): To Split or Not To Split - 17th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, 2008
- High-Speed Service-Oriented Optical Internet - CIS Seminar, November 2008 - UMass Dartmouth
- Manycast Service in Optical Burst/Packet Switched (OBS/OPS) Networks - Second ICST/ACM International Conference on Networks for Grid Applications (GridNets 2008), October 2008 - Beijing, China
- Impairment-Aware Manycasting Algorithms Over Optical Burst-Switched Networks - 17th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, August 2008 - St. Thomas, USVI
- TCP Over Optical Burst Switching (OBS): To Split or Not To Split? - 17th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, August 2008 - St. Thomas, USVI
- Impairment-Aware Manycasting Over Optical Burst-Switched Networks - IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2008), May 2008 - Beijing, China
- Energy-Efficient Target Monitoring Using Base-Station Relocation in Wireless Sensor Networks - IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST 2008), May 2008 - Waltham, Massachusetts
- Energy-Efficient Target Monitoring in Wireless Sensor Networks - Sigma Xi Research Poster Exhibition, April 2008 - University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
- Impairment-Aware Manycast Algorithms Over Optical Burst-Switched Networks - Sigma Xi Research Poster Exhibition, April 2008 - University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
- Optimizing Sensor Position and Count in Layered Wireless Sensor Networks - Sigma Xi Research Poster Exhibition, April 2008 - University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
- Performance Analysis of Dual-Homed Fault-Tolerant Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks - Sigma Xi Research Poster Exhibition, April 2008 - University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
- Performance Evaluation of Forward Segment Redundancy Mechanism in Optical Burst-Switched (OBS) Networks - Sigma Xi Research Poster Exhibition, April 2008 - University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
- TCP Over Optical Burst Switching (OBS): To Split or Not To Split? - Sigma Xi Research Poster Exhibition, April 2008 - University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
- Unfairness in TCP over Optical Burst-Switched Networks (OBS) - Sigma Xi Research Poster Exhibition, April 2008 - University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
- iLearn: Internet-based Active Learning Environment - University of Massachusetts - Instructional Technology Conference (ITC 2008), April 2008 - Boxborough, MA
- Source-Ordering for Improved TCP Performance over Load-Balanced Optical Burst-Switched (OBS) Networks - IEEE/CreateNet BROADNETS 2007, Optical Networking Symposium, September 2007 - Raleigh, North Carolina
- Node-Replacement Policies to Maintain Threshold-Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks - 16th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2007), August 2007 - Honolulu, Hawaii
- Manycasting over Optical Burst-Switched Networks - IEEE International Conference on Communications, June 2007 - Glasgow, Scotland
- CAR: Coordinated Activation and Reporting for Energy-Efficient Target Intrusion Detection, Tracking, and Reporting in Wireless Sensor Networks. - IEEE Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security, May 2007 - Woburn, Massachusetts
- TCP-Aware Load-Balanced Routing in Optical Burst-Switched (OBS) Networks - IEEE/OSA OFC/NFOEC 2007, March 2007 - Anaheim, California
- Optimal Remote Homing for Providing Service Differentiation in Information-aware Multi-Layered Wireless Sensor Networks - IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), June 2006 - Istanbul, Turkey
- Toward a Reliable Data Transport Architecture for Optical Burst-Switched Networks - 3rd Workshop on Optimization of Optical Networks (OON) 2006, Montreal, QC, Apr. 28, 2006 (Invited Talk), April 2006 - Montreal, QC
- Wireless Sensor Network Based Model for Secure Railway Operations - First International Workshop on eSafety and Convergence of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks (eSCo-Wi脮06), April 2006 - Phoenix, Arizona
- Fault-tolerant Wireless Access Network Design for Dual-Homed Users - IEEE INFOCOM, April 2006 - Barcelona, Spain
- Toward a Reliable Data Transport Architecture for Optical Burst-Switched Networks - IEEE Lecture, April 2006 - Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India
- Forward Redundancy: A Loss Recovery Mechanism for Optical Burst-Switched Networks - Third IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks (WOCN 2006), April 2006 - Bangalore, India
- Policing of Mobile Nodes to Improve Network Coverage of Wireless Sensor Networks - UMass Dartmouth Sigma Xi Research Exhibition, April 2006 - UMass Dartmouth
- Analysis of TCP over Optical Burst-Switched Networks with Burst Retransmission - IEEE Global Communication Conference (GLOBECOM) 2005, Photonic Technologies for Communications Symposium, November 2005 - St. Louis, Missouri
- Wireless Sensor Networks - Seminar, Dept. of Computer and Information Science, November 2005 - University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
- Evaluation of Burst Retransmission in Optical Burst-Switched Networks - IEEE/CreateNet Second International Conference on Broadband Networks (BroadNets), October 2005 - Boston, Massachusetts, Oct. 2005.
- Coordinated Survivability in IP-over-Optical Networks with IP-Layer Dual-Homing and Optical-Layer Protection - Second International Conference on Broadband Networks (BroadNets) 2005, Optical Networking Symposium, October 2005 - Boston, Massachusetts
- Reliable Optical Burst Switching for Next-Generation Grid Networks - Second International Workshop on Grid Network Research (GridNets), October 2005 - Boston, Massachusetts
- Dual-Homing Survivability for the Next-Generation Internet - Seminar, Dept. of Computer and Information Science, September 2005 - University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
- A Layered Architecture for Supporting Optical Burst Switching - IEEE Computer Society Telecommunications, July 2005 - Lisbon, Portugal
- Burst Cloning: A Proactive Scheme to Reduce Data Loss in Optical Burst-Switched Networks - IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), May 2005 - Seoul, South Korea
- Path Clustering: An Approach to Implement Absolute QoS Differentiation in Optical Burst-Switched Networks - IEEE Global Communication Conference (GLOBECOM), December 2004 - Dallas, Texas
- Optical Burst Switching: Architectures and Protocols - Optical Burst Switching: Architectures and Protocols, Seminar, November 2004 - University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
- Dynamic Dual-Homing Protection in WDM Mesh Networks - IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), June 2004 - Paris, France
- Threshold-Based Differentiated Intermediate-Node Initiated (TDINI) Signaling for Optical Burst-Switched Networks - Seventh INFORMS Telecommunications Conference (TELECOM), March 2004 - Boca Raton, Florida
- Dual-Homing Protection in WDM Mesh Networks - IEEE/OSA Optical Fiber Communication (OFC) Conference, February 2004 - Los Angeles, California
- Practical Optical Burst Switching,脫 UT Dallas Research Excellence Competition, Richardson, TX, Feb. 12, 2004 (Invited Talk). - UT Dallas Research Excellence Competition, February 2004 - Richardson, TX
- Dynamic Congestion-Based Load Balanced Routing in Optical Burst-Switched Networks - IEEE Global Communication Conference (GLOBECOM), December 2003 - San Francisco, California
- Early Drop and Wavelength Grouping Schemes for Providing Absolute QoS Differentiation in Optical Burst-Switched Networks - IEEE Global Communication Conference (GLOBECOM), December 2003 - San Francisco, California
- Practical Priority Contention Resolution for Slotted Optical Burst Switching Networks - First International Workshop on Optical Burst Switching (WOBS), October 2003 - Dallas, Texas
- Segmentation-Based Non-Preemptive Scheduling Algorithms for Optical Burst-Switched Networks - First International Workshop on Optical Burst Switching (WOBS), October 2003 - Dallas, Texas
- Early Drop Scheme for Providing Absolute QoS Differentiation in Optical Burst-Switched Networks - IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR), June 2003 - Torino, Italy
- Channel Scheduling Algorithms using Burst Segmentation and FDLs for Optical Burst-Switched Networks - IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), May 2003 - Anchorage, Alaska
- Intermediate Node Initiated (INI) Signaling: A Hybrid Channel Reservation Technique for Optical Burst-Switched Networks - IEEE/OSA Optical Fiber Communication (OFC) Conference, March 2003 - Atlanta, Georgia
- QoS in Optical Burst Switching - Texas Telecommunications Engineering Consortium (TXTEC) Conference, January 2003 - Texas at Arlington
- Generalized Burst Assembly and Scheduling Techniques for QoS Support in Optical Burst-Switched Networks - IEEE Global Communication Conference (GLOBECOM), November 2002 - Taipei, Taiwan
- Quality of Service in Optical Burst-Switched Networks, November 2002 - Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)
- Threshold-Based Burst Assembly Policies for QoS Support in Optical Burst-Switched Networks - SPIE Optical Networking and Communications (OptiComm), July 2002 - Boston, Massachusetts
- New Contention Resolution Techniques for Optical Burst-Switched Networks, May 2002 - University of Buffalo (SUNY)
- Burst Segmentation: an Approach for Reducing Packet Loss in Optical Burst-Switched Networks - IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), April 2002 - New York, New York
- Prioritized Routing and Burst Segmentation for QoS in Optical Burst-Switched Networks - IEEE/OSA Optical Fiber Communication (OFC) Conference, March 2002 - Anaheim, California
Selected Intellectual Property
- Patent - Vokkarane, V.M., Somani, A."Dynamic Advance Reservation with Delayed Allocation," Pub, No. 2012/0327953
Selected Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research
- NeTS: Small: Coordinated Advance Reservation for Grid over Optical Networks (CARG (2013), Grant -
Vokkarane, V.M. (Principal) - CSR: Small: Collaborative Research: Bridging Reliability Analysis and Reality in (2014), Contract - National Science Foundation
Vokkarane, V.M. (Principal)