Reza Ahmadzadeh

Reza Azadeh, Ph.D.

Associate Professor with Tenure

Kennedy College of Sciences
Miner School of Computer & Information Sciences
Dandeneau Hall, Room 313


Robot Learning, Learning from Demonstration, Imitation Learning, Reinforcement Learning

Research Interests

  • Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
  • Robotics, Robot Learning, Learning from Demonstration, Imitation Learning, Reinforcement Learning


  • Ph D: Robotics, Cognition, and Interaction Technologies, (2015), University of Genoa - Genoa, Italy
    Dissertation/Thesis Title: Robot Learning of Reactive and Visuospatial Skills


I am an Assistant Professor with the Miner School of Computer & Information Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Lowell with research interests covering Robot Learning and Human-Robot Interaction. Prior to joining Umass Lowell, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow with the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Institute of Technology. I hold a Ph.D. in Robotics, Cognition, and Interactive Technologies from the University of Genoa, in collaboration with Italian Institute of Technology.

Selected Awards and Honors

  • FetchIt! Competition (2019), Leadership - Fetch Robotics / IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
  • Best Presentation Award (2017), Scholarship/Research - 4th Annual Postdoctoral Symposium at Georgia Tech
  • VSL (2014), Service, Professional - Microsoft Robotics
  • Ph.D. Research Scholarship (2011), Scholarship/Research - University of Genoa

Selected Publications

  • Rana, M.A., Mukadam, M., Ahmadzadeh, S.R., Chernova, S., Boots, B. (2018). Robot Skill Learning from Demonstrations in Cluttered Environment (pp. 1--4).
  • Rana, M.A., Mukadam, M., Ahmadzadeh, S.R., Chernova, S., Boots, B. (2017). Towards Robust Skill Generalization: Unifying Learning from Demonstration and Motion Planning (78: pp. 109--118). PMLR
  • Lehmann, H., Keller, I., Ahmadzadeh, S.R., Broz, F. (2017). Naturalistic Conversational Gaze Control for Humanoid Robots - A First Step (pp. 1--10).
  • Ahmadzadeh, S.R., Asif, R.M., Chernova, S. (2017). Generalized Cylinders for Learning, Reproduction,Generalization, and Refinement of Robot Skills (pp. 1--10).
  • Rana, M.A., Mukadam, M., Ahmadzadeh, S.R., Chernova, S., Boots, B. (2017). Skill Generalization via Inference-Based Planning (pp. 1--3).
  • Rana, M.A., Mukadam, M., Ahmadzadeh, S.R., Chernova, S., Boots, B. (2017). Towards Robust Skill Generalization: Unifying LfD and Motion Planning (pp. 1--3).
  • Ahmadzadeh, S.R., Mastrogiovanni, F., Kormushev, P. (2017). Visuospatial Skill Learning for Robots. CoRR, abs/1706.00989 1--24.
  • Ahmadzadeh, S.R., Kaushik, R., Chernova, S. (2016). Trajectory Learning from Demonstration with Canal Surfaces: A Parameter-free Approach (pp. 544--549).
  • Lehmann, H., Broz, F., Ahmadzadeh, S.R., Del Bue, A., Natale, L., Metta, G. (2016). Social Behavior for Face to Face Human-Robot Interaction (pp. 112--115).
  • Ahmadzadeh, S.R., Chernova, S. (2016). Encoding Demonstrations and Learning New Trajectories using Canal Surfaces (pp. 1--7).
  • Ahmadzadeh, S.R., Chernova, S. (2016). A Geometric Approach for Encoding Demonstrations and Learning New Trajectories (pp. 1--3).
  • Kormushev, P., Ahmadzadeh, S.R. (2015). Robot Learning for Persistent Autonomy (pp. 3--28). Springer International Publishing
  • Ahmadzadeh, S.R., Kormushev, P. (2015). Visuospatial Skill Learning (pp. 75--99). Springer International Publishing
  • Ahmadzadeh, S.R., Paikan, A., Mastrogiovanni, F., Natale, L., Kormushev, P., Caldwell, D.G. (2015). Learning Symbolic Representations of Actions from Human Demonstrations (pp. 3801--3808).
  • Ahmadzadeh, S.R. (2015). Robot Learning of Reactive and Visuospatial Skills. Doctoral School on life and humanoid technologies, University of Genoa
  • Ahmadzadeh, S.R., Kormushev, P., Caldwell, D.G. (2014). Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning for AUV Thruster Failure Recovery (pp. 1--8).
  • Ahmadzadeh, S.R., Kormushev, P., Jamisola, R.S., Caldwell, D.G. (2014). Learning Reactive Robot Behavior for Autonomous Valve Turning (pp. 685--691).
  • Ahmadzadeh, S.R., Leonetti, M., Carrera, A., Carreras, M., Kormushev, P., Caldwell, D.G. (2014). Online Discovery of AUV Control Policies to Overcome Thruster Failure (pp. 6522--6528).
  • Jamali, N., Kormushev, P., Ahmadzadeh, S.R., Caldwell, D.G. (2014). Covariance Analysis as a Measure of Policy Robustness (pp. 1--5).
  • Ahmadzadeh, S.R., Kormushev, P., Caldwell, D.G. (2013). Autonomous Robotic Valve Turning: A Hierarchical Learning Approach (pp. 4614--4619).
  • Ahmadzadeh, S.R., Kormushev, P., Caldwell, D.G. (2013). Interactive Robot Learning of Visuospatial Skills (pp. 1--8).
  • Ahmadzadeh, S.R., Kormushev, P., Caldwell, D.G. (2013). Visuospatial Skill Learning for Object Reconfiguration Tasks (pp. 685--691).
  • Leonetti, M., Ahmadzadeh, S.R., Kormushev, P. (2013). On-line Learning to Recover from Thruster Failures on Autonomous Underwater Vehicles.
  • Ahmadzadeh, S.R., Leonetti, M., Kormushev, P. (2013). Online Direct Policy Search for Thruster Failure Recovery in Autonomous Underwater Vehicles.
  • Carrera, A., Ahmadzadeh, S.R., Ajoudani, A., Kormushev, P., Carreras, M., Caldwell, D.G. (2012). Towards Autonomous Robotic Valve Turning. Cybernetics and Information Technologies, 12(3).
  • Hasanzadeh, S., Ahmadzadeh, S.R. (2009). Design of a TSK Fuzzy Controller for an Active Suspension System and Compare the Results with the Linear Feedback Controller Actions (pp. 1--3).
  • Ahmadzadeh, S.R. (2005). Modeling of Hyper-redundant Manipulators Dynamics and Design of Fuzzy Controller for the System (pp. 248--253). IEEE
  • Ahmadzadeh, S.R. (2004). Modal Approach to Modeling of Hyper-Redundant Robot Manipulator Dynamics and Design of Fuzzy Controller for the System. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bahonar University of Kerman
  • Ahmadzadeh, S.R., Hajabasi, M.A. (2003). Controller Design for Hyper-Redundant Manupulator Using Backbone Curve (pp. 1--9).