Graduate Certificates in Mechanical Engineering

The following graduate certificates are offered in Mechanical Engineering:

DESIGNDesign and Manufacturing

Bradley Mingels, M.B.A

This 12 credit certificate program is aimed at educating engineers in modern design and manufacturing practices for developing world class products at the highest customer satisfaction and quality, at lowest cost and within engineering project budgets and schedules. It has a strong practice oriented curriculum and is taught by experienced faculty drawn from both academia and senior engineers and managers of high technology companies.

Required Course (one 3-credit course):

Choose Three of the Following Courses (three 3-credit courses):

STRUCTURALStructural Dynamic Modeling Techniques

Zhu Mao, Ph.D.

This certificate is aimed at educating engineers in very critically needed techniques for modeling structural dynamic applications. In all undergraduate curriculums accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, , the materials presented bring the student to a firm comprehension and understanding of static design configurations but does not go beyond this point to address the practical reality of structural dynamic response for meaningful design configurations. Therefore, many new or practicing engineers are not prepared to address these types of problems. These suite of courses in this certificate provides materials that has strong, practical relevance and provides tools and techniques to address these structural dynamic applications. Both hands-on and product oriented practice will be emphasized.

A total of four courses (12 credits) are required for the certificate with one required course (which must be either MECH.550 Advanced Vibrations or MECH.515 Structural Dynamic Modeling Techniques).

The courses in this certificate are:

MEMSMEMS/NEMS (Microelectromechanical Systems/Nanoelectromechanical Systems)

Hongwei Sun

This 12-credit certificate program provides an interdisciplinary education and training for engineers who will work in the fast growing MEMS/NEMS industry with microsystems design methods, advanced microfabrication, packaging and assembly techniques, VLSI circuits design and fabrication, nanoelectronics, nano-assembly and integration, material processing. Both hands-on and product oriented practice are emphasized.

Choose four courses with at least one course from Group 1 and at least one course from Group 2.

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

COMPOSITESComposites and Materials


Alireza Amirkhizi

Christopher Hansen

This certificate is aimed at educating engineers in the design, manufacture and structural analysis of composite materials. The use of composite materials is growing in the transportation, defense and recreational industries, and thus there is a need for engineers with expertise in composite materials. The design of composites is explained through classical laminate theory and micro- and mesomechanics. Various methods such as resin-transfer molding, compression molding, are discussed. Structural analysis of composites is presented using classical laminate theory and finite element methods with applications in the determination of structural stiffness, ultimate failure, fracture and fatigue. Both hands-on and product oriented practice will be emphasized.

Choose any four courses from the following list with at least one course from Group 1 and at least one course from Group 2.

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

  • MECH.5140 Finite Element Analysis of Composites
  • MECH.5690 Fracture Mechanics
  • MECH.5890 Polymer Nanocomposites
  • Material processing course from Plastics Engineering with permission of certificate coordinators

RENEWABLERenewable Energy Engineering

Walter D. Thomas

This 12 credit certificate provides engineers and scientists with a rigorous but practical grounding in the fundamentals of renewable energy systems for design, research, development and manufacture. The certificate is part of a long-standing interdisciplinary graduate degree program in renewable energy engineering with experienced faculty. The courses address topics ranging from green building technologies (basic insulation and efficiency, passive solar heating and cooling, daylighting, solar hot water) to photovoltaic and wind systems, solar electrolyzers and fuel cells to stochastic process modeling of irradiation.

Choose any four classes from the following list with at least one of the four being MECH.5210 Solar Fundamentals or MECH.5270 Solar Energy Engineering, OR MECH.5250 Grid-Connected Solar Electric Systems.

Other suitable courses may be used as electives for the certificate with prior permission of the coordinator.

Integrated Engineering Systems6

Applied Physics, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Plastics Engineering departments

Craig Armiento

As companies increasingly undertake engineering projects that bring together a wide range of disciplines for manufacturing an integrated product, it is often necessary to assemble teams of experts in these various disciplines, and prepare managers who have a fundamental, overall understanding of several different engineering areas. The certificate is designed to respond to the need for trained professionals who are responsible for managing complex engineering systems integrating algorithms, information, software and hardware. Completion of certificate courses in areas complementary to the individual's specific training will serve as an important starting point for engineering managers (and prospective managers) who need to solve complex interdisciplinary problems at the interfaces of electrical, computer, mechanical, materials engineering, and computer science and applied physics.

The program consists of six clusters:

  1. Applied Physics
  2. Computer Engineering
  3. Computer Science
  4. Electrical Engineering
  5. Materials Engineering
  6. Mechanical Engineering

Within each cluster, there are a number of carefully selected courses ranging from introductory graduate level to more advanced, specialized electives.

Students must successfully complete four courses (12 credits), one or two of which may be taken in their area of expertise. The remaining courses must be taken in separate and different cluster areas. Courses are selected in consultation with one (or more) graduate program coordinators to best meet the student's needs in terms of background, interests, and work requirements. It may be necessary for students to take prerequisite course(s) if they do not have appropriate backgrounds for a particular cluster course.







  • PLAS.5440 Advanced Plastics Materials
  • CHEN.5060 Interfacial Science and Engineering and Colloids
  • CHEN.5070 Material Science and Engineering
  • PLAS.5030 Mechanical Behavior of Polymers
  • CHEN.5230 Nanodevices and Electronic Materials
  • CHEN.5270 Nanomaterials Science and Engineering
  • CHEN.5410 Nanostructural Characterization by SEM, TEM, and AFM
  • PLAS.5180 Plastics Product Design



Civil & Environmental, Mechanical, Plastics Engineering departments

Jackie Zhang

The program will provide students with a fundamental knowledge of nanotechnology and is intended to respond to the increasing demand for trained professionals in nanoscience and technology. The certificate is designed for students with a background in chemistry, physics, biology, or any branch of engineering who want nanotechnology and nanomanufacturing workforce preparation. Students may focus on a concentration area based on their interests and background. Courses in each concentration area are carefully designed to provide both analytical and practical competence. Students may take any combination from the electives list.

Core Course: (required)

Core Courses: (Choose one)

  • CHEN.5410 Nanostructural Characterization by SEM, TEM, and AFM
  • CHEM.5100 Electron Microscopy of Advanced Materials
  • CHEM.5250 Analysis of Advanced Materials

Elective Courses: (choose two courses)



Design and Devices

Health and Environmental Impacts


Contact: Walter D. Thomas

This certificate is open to applicants with a BS in Mechanical Engineering or a related field, such as Materials Science or Physics, who have an interest in modern wind turbines, including their aerodynamics, what materials go into their construction, and how they are integrated into our electrical system. The one required course, Wind Energy Fundamentals, introduces the student to multiple topics concerning winch energy and wind turbines. The student can then pursue one or more of these topics in greater depth through the available electives. Upon completion, the student will be well -prepared either to continue graduate studies in wind energy engineering, or to work in the growing wind energy industry.

A total of four courses (12 credits) are required for the certificate with one required course (MECH.5220).

Required Courses:

Elective Courses (choose three)

Updated 12/14/2022