Learning Outcomes

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) Learning Goals and Objectives:Ìý

GOAL 1: Our graduates shall demonstrate the ability to clearly, efficiently, and effectively communicate business-related information in applying both oral and written methods. Students will demonstrate an ability to:Ìý

  • Construct a strategy for business communications using a variety of communication formats;Ìý
  • Identify and adapt to audience needs and expectations;Ìý
  • Develop a sequential series of logical arguments that are appropriately supported with facts;Ìý
  • Formulate ideas effectively in public presentation settings, including graphics, layout, and writing components; andÌý
  • Apply business courtesies and professional self-presentation in all aspects of the program.Ìý

GOAL 2: Our graduates shall demonstrate the ability to apply and integrate quantitative and qualitative knowledge and techniques from across all functional areas of business. Successful students will demonstrate an ability to:Ìý

  • Discriminate among the role, processes, and structures of operational functions of a business (e.g. sales, manufacturing, distribution, customer support);Ìý
  • Compare and contrast the role, processes, and structure of support functions of a business (e.g. management, marketing, finance, R&D, IT, human resources);Ìý
  • Analyze and explain the contributions of business disciplines to the competitive strategies, innovations, decision-making and operations of various sizes and types of organizations, industry sectors, processes and functions;Ìý
  • Apply qualitative and quantitative business methods to the analysis of business problems;Ìý
  • Combine and integrate principles and techniques from multiple business disciplines to the analysis of complex business situations; andÌý
  • Propose solutions to business situations using effective decision-making skills.Ìý

GOAL 3: Our graduates shall demonstrate the ability to apply team management skills as both an effective team member and leader. Successful students will demonstrate an ability to:Ìý

  • Persuade, influence, motivate and provide guidance to others (In a team setting);Ìý
  • Facilitate a range of group decision making techniques ;Ìý
  • Engender and sustain trust of team members;Ìý
  • Effectively plan, manage, and lead a team project;Ìý
  • Effectively use technology to facilitate and support group activities and processes; andÌý
  • Evaluate and apply the strengths of a diverse team (including ability, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, generation).Ìý

GOAL 4: Our graduates shall demonstrate the ability to integrate the use of information and communication technologies to solve business problems. Successful students will demonstrate an ability to:Ìý

  • Dissect the critical issues in a problem the by decomposing the main issue into sub-problems;Ìý
  • Analyze data to support decision-making using a variety of business analytic techniques;Ìý
  • Evaluate a technology, criticize its strengths and weaknesses, and appraise its usefulness to solve business problems; andÌý
  • Propose a software-enabled solution to the business problem.Ìý

GOAL 5: Our graduates shall demonstrate the ability to identify the global changes affecting business and apply this knowledge in business decision-making. Successful students will demonstrate an ability to:Ìý

  • Identify how their actions affect both local and global communities;Ìý
  • Compare and contrast cultural differences and how these affect best practice;Ìý
  • Analyze the effect the interrelationships within and across cultures and global communities has on business; andÌý
  • Demonstrate knowledge of regulatory and cultural practices necessary to support business decision-making in a global environment.Ìý

GOAL 6: Our graduates shall demonstrate the ability to apply ethical reasoning and knowledge of social responsibility for personal and professional decision making. Successful students will demonstrate an ability to:Ìý

  • Explain the historical and philosophical bases of ethical decision-making and social responsibility;Ìý
  • Compare and contrast the models that support ethical reasoning including their limitations in a business environment;Ìý
  • Develop personal and professional decisions by applying knowledge and skills obtained from the study of ethics and social responsibility, andÌý
  • Articulate how their ethical framework and knowledge of social responsibility shape their actions.

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Competency Goals

1. Communication Skills

Program graduates will be able to communicate effectively in professional situations.Ìý

Learning Objective 1 (Written): Students will demonstrate proficiency articulating key ideas in writing and developing professional quality business documents.ÌýÌý

Learning Objective 2 (Oral): Students will prepare and deliver professional presentations.

2. Analytical Skills

Program graduates will be able to think analytically and critically when evaluating business decisions.Ìý

Learning Objective: Students will identify pertinent information to apply quantitative and qualitative knowledge and techniques from across all functional areas of business.Ìý

3. Team Management

Program graduates will be able to participate as an effective and professional team member and leader.Ìý

Learning Objective: Students will apply effective team management skills both as a team member and leader.Ìý

4. Information Technology Skills

Program graduates will have effective information technology skills for analyzing business information.Ìý

Learning Objective: Students will use and apply information technologies and data analytics tools to solve business problems.Ìý

5. Global Awareness

Program graduates will be aware of the global changes and market forces affecting business environments.Ìý

Learning Objective: Students will identify global changes affecting business and apply this knowledge in business decision-making.Ìý

6. Ethical Reasoning Skills

Program graduates will recognize, evaluate, and address ethical consequences of business decisions.Ìý

Learning Objective: Students will identify ethical dilemmas and be able to recognize and evaluate alternative courses of action in professional decision-making toward socially responsible goals.Ìý