Learning Outcomes
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) Learning Goals and Objectives:Ìý
GOAL 1: Our graduates shall demonstrate the ability to clearly, efficiently, and effectively communicate business-related information in applying both oral and written methods. Students will demonstrate an ability to:Ìý
- Construct a strategy for business communications using a variety of communication formats;Ìý
- Identify and adapt to audience needs and expectations;Ìý
- Develop a sequential series of logical arguments that are appropriately supported with facts;Ìý
- Formulate ideas effectively in public presentation settings, including graphics, layout, and writing components; andÌý
- Apply business courtesies and professional self-presentation in all aspects of the program.Ìý
GOAL 2: Our graduates shall demonstrate the ability to apply and integrate quantitative and qualitative knowledge and techniques from across all functional areas of business. Successful students will demonstrate an ability to:Ìý
- Discriminate among the role, processes, and structures of operational functions of a business (e.g. sales, manufacturing, distribution, customer support);Ìý
- Compare and contrast the role, processes, and structure of support functions of a business (e.g. management, marketing, finance, R&D, IT, human resources);Ìý
- Analyze and explain the contributions of business disciplines to the competitive strategies, innovations, decision-making and operations of various sizes and types of organizations, industry sectors, processes and functions;Ìý
- Apply qualitative and quantitative business methods to the analysis of business problems;Ìý
- Combine and integrate principles and techniques from multiple business disciplines to the analysis of complex business situations; andÌý
- Propose solutions to business situations using effective decision-making skills.Ìý
GOAL 3: Our graduates shall demonstrate the ability to apply team management skills as both an effective team member and leader. Successful students will demonstrate an ability to:Ìý
- Persuade, influence, motivate and provide guidance to others (In a team setting);Ìý
- Facilitate a range of group decision making techniques ;Ìý
- Engender and sustain trust of team members;Ìý
- Effectively plan, manage, and lead a team project;Ìý
- Effectively use technology to facilitate and support group activities and processes; andÌý
- Evaluate and apply the strengths of a diverse team (including ability, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, generation).Ìý
GOAL 4: Our graduates shall demonstrate the ability to integrate the use of information and communication technologies to solve business problems. Successful students will demonstrate an ability to:Ìý
- Dissect the critical issues in a problem the by decomposing the main issue into sub-problems;Ìý
- Analyze data to support decision-making using a variety of business analytic techniques;Ìý
- Evaluate a technology, criticize its strengths and weaknesses, and appraise its usefulness to solve business problems; andÌý
- Propose a software-enabled solution to the business problem.Ìý
GOAL 5: Our graduates shall demonstrate the ability to identify the global changes affecting business and apply this knowledge in business decision-making. Successful students will demonstrate an ability to:Ìý
- Identify how their actions affect both local and global communities;Ìý
- Compare and contrast cultural differences and how these affect best practice;Ìý
- Analyze the effect the interrelationships within and across cultures and global communities has on business; andÌý
- Demonstrate knowledge of regulatory and cultural practices necessary to support business decision-making in a global environment.Ìý
GOAL 6: Our graduates shall demonstrate the ability to apply ethical reasoning and knowledge of social responsibility for personal and professional decision making. Successful students will demonstrate an ability to:Ìý
- Explain the historical and philosophical bases of ethical decision-making and social responsibility;Ìý
- Compare and contrast the models that support ethical reasoning including their limitations in a business environment;Ìý
- Develop personal and professional decisions by applying knowledge and skills obtained from the study of ethics and social responsibility, andÌý
- Articulate how their ethical framework and knowledge of social responsibility shape their actions.