Declaration of a Second Major

Candidates for degrees in the College of Engineering may be permitted to elect additional majors offered in other colleges of the university, provided that all curriculum requirements in engineering are satisfied.

Engineering students who wish to take on a second major that is offered by the College of Engineering or by another college must formalize this intent by the start of the junior year. At that time the student is also required to submit for approval his or her intended program of study to the advisor in the department offering the second major. It should be noted that in most cases, the election of an additional major will extend the normal four-year period of undergraduate study. Students who elect to take a second academic major in another college are candidates for one degree in the College of Engineering only. A student who pursues an academic major in the College of Engineering and another college or two majors in the College of Engineering is subject to all degree requirements of the College of Engineering and is subject only to major course requirements specified by the department of the secondary major.聽For a complete statement of university policy on double majors, refer to University Academic Policies: Major Field Requirements.