Note: This program is not currently accepting applications aside from Development Command Soldier Center (DEVCOM SC) students.
From a competitive perspective, the shift from a manufacturing base to a technology-innovation and knowledge-based economy requires new skills among organizational employees. In conversations with executive staff in major companies in the region we have been told repeatedly that the region's engineers and scientists need to be entrepreneurial. As competition and costs rise, research and development efforts must clearly contribute to business growth and the company bottom line. Thus, companies are looking for technical professionals who can generate new ideas and new businesses.
The M.S. in Entrepreneurship and Innovation consists of ten courses (30 credits), including 4 core courses (12 credits), 4 elective courses (12 credits, 6 of which must be in Engineering and/or Science) and a 2 course (6 credit) practicum. Each student will participate in the development and delivery of a team capstone project (through the 2 course practicum) which will be reviewed by an external professional panel.Ìý
Programs offered:
- MS in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- MS in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Engineering option
For more information and complete course descriptions, visit the Academic Catalog.