Authorization to purchase, store, use or dispose of an x-ray machine must be obtained from the Radiation Safety Committee or the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO). Certain instrumentation, machines, and devices (e.g., x-ray diffraction units, x-ray fluorescence systems, electron microscopes, etc.) may not be termed "x-ray machines" but, under certain conditions of operation, are capable of producing hazardous levels of x-radiation in the work area. Such devices, while not subject to the specific authorization requirements of this guide in so far as purchase or possession are concerned, are subject to the guide requirements relevant to use. Potential users of such devices are required to contact the Radiation Safety Office in order that appropriate surveys may be made and required protective action taken.The Authorized User (PI's) or User of the x-ray machine must notify the Radiation Safety Office of following situations:
- A suspected exposure to radiation over administrative or regulatory limits,
- Failure of a safety device related to machine operation or personnel safety, or
- Plans for making modifications of the x-ray machine.
Policies and Specific procedures for various X-ray machines can be seen below.
AnalyticalAnalytical X-Ray Users (XRD & XRF)
Procedures and conditions for operating an x-ray machine:
- The Authorized User must notify the Radiation Safety Office prior to initial use of the machine so that a radiation survey may be made under operating conditions.
- All personnel who use the x-ray machine must have adequate training in the proper use of the machine and be aware of the associated radiation hazards
- Persons using the machine must wear assigned personnel monitoring devices (only for devices with no controls and determined by RSO.
- For analytical X-ray machines (X-ray Diffraction, etc.) all users must follow the attached work instructions:聽operating instructions (pdf).
Navigate to the radiation safety site specific training.
- Review the X-Ray safety training
- Complete the X-ray safety quiz
- Submit the site specific training form to the radiation safety office (all information can be found on the training page)
Other%20than%20AnalyticalX-Ray Machines (other than analytical)
All users of X-ray machines (other than analytical) must follow the requirements of a radiation lab described in the Radiation Safety Manual.
Initial setup
- The Primary Investigator (PI) must become an Authorized User (AU) by submitting a completed HP-2 form (under forms section on the website).
- The machine operating procedures must be written, followed, and submitted to the RSO for approval.
- the facility will be reviewed by radiation safety to verify shielding and control adequacy
- the X-ray machine specifics must be submitted to the RSO (type, manufacturer, model, serial, power, current, voltage)
- The Authorized User must notify the Radiation Safety Office prior to initial use of the machine so that a radiation survey may be made under operating conditions
Continual responsibilities:
- Persons using the machine must wear assigned personnel monitoring devices.
- Persons using the machine must follow all radiation safety and machine specific procedures.
- All personnel who use the x-ray machine must have adequate training in the proper use of the machine and be aware of the associated radiation hazards (see training requirements below)
- If any deviations from procedures or emergencies radiation safety should be notified in a timely fashion to correct issues and prevent injury of over exposure.
Navigate to the radiation worker training page.
- complete all 6 steps to formalize your radiation safety training
- complete the X-ray safety training
- complete the X-ray safety quiz
- submit the site specific training form to the radiation safety office (all information can be found on the training page)