Our Diversity Peer Education (DPE) program materials have been moved online to a virtual format using Blackboard software. The program is independent in completion and "go at your own pace" format. It is a module format that includes reflection for students to dive deeper into the concepts and how it relates to their own lives.

The DPE program and training offers students of many academic disciples, cultures, backgrounds, and interests an increased leadership credential in multicultural education. Participants engage in an immersive process on the foundations of multiculturalism, cultural competency, and social justice work, as well as application of learned skills to daily life experiences.

DPE provides an opportunity for students to become active participants in ally-ship and to become part of a community of learners that support understanding, respect, and appreciation for all people. Students are invited to apply each semester. Visit the Diversity Peer Educators page for more information.

To apply to this program, follow the link within the Training Information tab and fill out all the necessary information needed.

Next Training Dates:

  • Future dates to will be announced soon.

The mission of the DPE is to foster dialogue between students on topics of race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, ability, etc. and to promote an environment that celebrates all students through facilitated workshops and programs. The Diversity Peer Educator (DPE) program promotes inclusive and welcoming communities in the residence halls, in classrooms, student organizations, in the dining facilities, and campus. As a function of the Office of Multicultural Affairs, the DPEs lead discussions and activities around issues of diversity and social justice.

Program Outcomes:  

  • Participants will deepen cultural understanding of other social identity groups, personal identity and capacity to engage inter-culturally.
  • Participants will use critical and reflective thinking to examine your own behaviors and tendencies and the impact on self and others through practice and skills building
  • Participants will gain the ability to engage in conversations with peers around diversity, equity, inclusion topics learned in training.
  • Participants will contribute to building a personal action plan for allyship throughout communities.
  • Participants will build understanding of how to navigate and use campus resources to be informed of campus supports and share with peers. 

The Diversity Peer Educator (DPE) position was created to work with student-staff and student leaders in promoting inclusive and welcoming environments at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. The DPEs serve as an extension of the Office of Multicultural Affairs. The DPE position is a unique leadership opportunity to educate the UML community on understanding, respect, and support for all people.

DPEs will…

  • enhance their leadership training and skills through various training and conference opportunities
  • gain valuable skills in public speaking, facilitation, group development, and working with diverse populations
  • form relationships with the Office of Multicultural Affairs staff and other University staff and administrators
  • better the UMass Lowell community by engaging the campus in purposeful dialogue to promote inclusivity
  • help facilitate trainings and collaborative programs with other campus offices such as Student Activities & Leadership and Residence Life


Diversity Peer Educators (DPE) must:

  • be students in good standing and enrolled at UMass Lowell for the current semester.
  • be able to attend DPE training in its entirety (each component builds upon each other, missing any part of the training will not provide the comprehensive understanding needed)

Training Information

Note: In-Person sessions will resume at a later date. Please refer to the instructions to access the virtual DPE experience above.

  • Please check the OMA website for DPE 1.0 and DPE 2.0 dates